D-Day (AKA D-day - Eoneunnal kabjagi cheotbeonjjae iyagi)

Śpiąca Królewna.

produkcja: Korea Po³udniowa gatunek: Horror
data premiery: 2006-08-03 (¦wiat)

The third film, Kim Eun Kyung’s “D-Day” is a slice of schoolgirl horror and
is undoubtedly the best of the bunch. Set in a boarding academy which offers
a year of intensive pre-college entrance exam study, it follows a group of four
roommates who gradually crack up under the intense pressure of the prison-like
atmosphere, made worse by the fact that the school appears to be haunted.
Finally, one girl goes completely off the rails and begins experiencing bloody
visions of corpse-littered corridors which seem to indicate a horrible incident
in the school’s past, one which appears to be in danger of repeating itself in the present day.

As well as being superior to the other entries in the “One Day Suddenly” collection,
“D-Day” is actually better than the “Whispering Corridors” series and other
school-set films from which it takes its inspiration, providing a far more
tense and condemnatory picture of the real life horrors of the Korean education
system. After an ironic start which suggests the academy to be a friendly,
inspirational place, Kim wastes no time in showing that the opposite is in fact
true, with the teachers resembling prison guards and the students being stripped
of individuality and forced to do nothing other than work.

T³umaczenie ze strony translatica...

Trzeci film, Kim Eun Kyung’s “D-Day” jest plastrem przera¿enia dziewczêcego i jest najlepszy niew±tpliwie z pêku.Zbiór w wchodz±cej na pok³ad akademii, która oferuje rok intensywnego egzaminu wej¶cia przedcollege'u nauka, to obserwuje grupê czterech wspó³lokatorów, którzy stopniowo rozbijaj± poni¿ej intensywnego ci¶nienia przypominaj±cej wiêzienie atmosfery, uczyniony gorszy przez fakt, ¿e szko³a wydaje siê zostaæ nawiedzonym. W koñcu, jedna dziewczyna idzie ca³kowicie z porêczy i zaczyna do¶wiadczaæ krwawi±cych wizji zw³oki-zas³aæ/za¶cie³aæ korytarzy, które wydaj± siê wskazaæ na okropny incydent
w school’s przesz³o¶æ, jeden który wydaje siê byæ w niebezpieczeñstwie powtarzania siê za obecny dzieñ.


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