Śpiąca Królewna.
SprZedam tanio nastepujace cds;HARD SKIN-same meat diffrent gravy,THE EJECTED-spirit of rebelion.SKINSPUNKS-vol.1,BRITISH OI!-working class anthems,PETER AND THE TEST TUBE BABYS-pissed and proud,soberfobia,alien npubduction,loud blarning punk rock, supermodels,the matting sounds of south american frogs,THE EJECTED-a touch of class,4-SKINS-the good the bad...,THE DAMNED-final damnation,THE INFAS-sound and fury,FRANKIE BOYS FLAME-inferno,THE BEST OF LAST RESORT,MERTON PARKAS-the complete mod collection,THE PROFESSIONALS-the professionals,THE CROOKS-just released,CHELSEA-faster,cheaper and better looking.BUZZCOCKS-product9 (3-CDS ANOTHER MUSIC IN A DIFFERENT KITCHEN,A DIFREND KIND OF TENSION,SINGLES GOING STEADY,LIVE),BATTLEZONE-nowhere to hide, WSZYSTKIE PLYTY SA UZYWANE W B. DOBRYM STANIE-WIECEJ SZCZEGOLOW NA PRIVA.