Śpiąca Królewna.
przydatny plugin zw³aszcza na serwery 4FUN
Po wpisaniu komendy w /sey`u /sprzedaj - sprzedajemy swoj± niechcian± lub znalezion± broñ cvary: SW_enabled (D: 1) - Enables/Disables the plugin SW_buyzone (D: 0) - If nonzero, the players need to be in a buyzone to sell weapons SW_annonce (D: 120) - Time before it prints an annonce message, set to 0 to disable SW_divide (D: 2) - Do not set to 0. Sets how much of the money you'll get when you sell a weapon (1 for the whole sum, 2 for half the money, 3 for third of the money ect ect) |