
Aiseesoft HD Video Converter 5.0.10

Śpiąca Królewna.

Aiseesoft HD Video Converter 5.0.10 | 7.9 MB

Convert HD TS, HD MTS, HD M2TS, HD MPEG, HD WMV, HD MPG, HD MP4, QuickTime HD MOV, HD H.264, HD RM video, etc. Aiseesoft HD Video Converter is best HD Converter to convert HD video to general video, convert general video to HD video, or among HD videos. So it fully supports most HD(High-Definition) video and general video decoder and encoder.

Furthermore, Aiseesoft HD Converter lead you to listen all the fashion and euphonious music, since it can convert HD video, general video and almost all audios to AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, FLAC, MP3, M4A, MP2, OGG, WAV, WMA.

Besides, Aiseesoft HD Video Converter comprises the powerful editing functions for you to edit your video effect. So this HD Converter makes you to crop video size, trim any clip of a video and merge several videos, watermark your video, edit video effect, convert video to picture. It also lets you set encoding parameters including resolution, bitrate, frame rate to get the best video quality. You are available to input your own resolution in Width(pixels) * Height(pixels) as well.

Key Features

Set video effect
Get your desired video quality by modifying video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation. With it, you also can apply your modified standard to all the movies.
Improve the effects of interlacing video by using deinterlacing
This HD Video Converter, owns the technique to eliminate some jaggedness from the interlacing video for better viewing.
Cut any clip of video (Trim)
Aiseesoft HD Video Converter, software provides “Trim” function to help you cut any clip from the original video. You can set the “Start Time” and “End Time” of the clip you want to get or just drag the slide bar to the accurate position to achieve it.
Crop Video Size
Aiseesoft HD Converter software allows you to remove black edge of your movie and get any playing area of the video by using its “Crop” function. You can also select the “Zoom” mode to extrude your video slightly to adjust to your portable devices so you can get the best video quality.
Merge several videos into one file
Aiseesoft HD Converter software provides an easy way to combine and join multiple HD video and others together. Just select the videos you want to join and check the “merge into one file” check box you can finish it easily.
Add Watermark for video
Watermark your video by using Aiseesoft HD Video Converter in the form of Text or Picture. Advanced settings, like the watermark Horizontal, Vertical position adjusting, it's Transparent setting and so forth.
Audio track and subtitle
Provides the solution to select you want audio track and subtitle for more comfortable video enjoyment.
Fastest Conversion Speed
This best HD Converter Provide the fastest conversion speed (>300%), completely support dual core CPU.

Home Page - http://www.aiseesoft.com/index.html

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