
D-Stylerz-The New World-TRQ008-WEB-2010-UKHx

Śpiąca Królewna.

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▄ ■: UKHx PRESENTS :■ . ▀████ ▄
█ ▀▀▀ ▄▓▄ ▄▄█
█▄▄ ■ rlsinfo..: ▀ █ █
▓ █ █ ▓
▒ █ artist.......: D-Stylerz █ ▒
░ █ album........: The New World █
█ genre........: Techno █▄▄
▄▄█ █ █
█ █ label........: Torque Beats Holland █ █
█ █ source.......: WEB █ █
▓ ▓ catalognr....: TRQ008 ▓ ▓
█▄▄ █▄▄
█ █ str.date.....: 000-00-0000 █ █
▓ █ rip.date.....: Apr-19-2010 ▓ █
▒ █ tracks.......: 03 ▒ █
▓ █ size.........: 41,1 MB ▓ █
▒ ▒ encoder......: Lame 3.97 V2 ▒ ▒
░ ░ quality......: 320kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint-Stereo ░ ░
█ █ █ █
█ █ ■ ripnotes..: █ █
█▄▄ ▄▄█
▓ █ █ ▓
▒ █ URL: www.hardstyle.com █ ▒
█ █ █ █
▓ ▓ ■ tracklist..: ▓ ▓
█▄▄ ▒ ▒
█ █ 01~ The New World 05:26 ░ ░
█ █ 02~ Existence 05:52 ░ ░
█ █ 03~ Artificial Intelligence 06:38 ░ ░
▒ █ █ █
▓ █ total..: 17:56 min ▓ ▓
▒ ▒ ▒ ▒
█▄▄ ■ about.us..: ▄▄█
█ █ █ █
▓ █ UKHx aims to bring only the best in electronic █ ▓
▒ █ music. We are currently looking for 100mbit .eu █ ▒
▒ █ legit sites and also recuiting talented rippers █ ▒
░ ░ (CD/Vinyl/WEB) with PROMO/early RETAIL. ░ ░
█ █ ▄ █ █
█ █ Find Us If You Can!;) ▀▓▀ ▄▓▄ █ █
▓ ▓ ▀ ▓ ▓
▒ ▒ Shouts go out to - NBD, TGX, QMI, SQ, KTMP3 ▄ ▄▄█
░ ░ ▀▓▀ █ █
█ █ █ ▒
▓ ▓ ▄▓▄ █ ▓
▒ ▒ ▄ ▀ +2008+ ▄▓▄ ▒ ▒
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█ └─────── ▄ ────────────── ▄ ── ▀ ─── ▄ ──────────────────── ▄ ─────┘ █
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