
Fallout 3: Fate Of Wanderer Global MOD PACK .2010

Śpiąca Królewna.

Fallout 3: Fate of Wanderer Global MOD PACK 2010/ADDONRelease Date: UPD 16.06.2010
Genre: Action / RPG (ADDON)
The author builds: Halfer. Aka. Seecker
Intierfeysa Language: RUS / ENG
Version update: 1.3
Size: 4.87 GB

This version significantly expands the scope of the gameplay and gives the most detailed customized balance in the game. In the modification includes many translated into Russian quests, new ********s, expanded the old, new weapons, armor sets, opponents and companions.

Requirements: all DLC (Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta)

What is included in the assembly:
Interesting, well-designed, translated into Russian Quests
New weapons and armor sets, fits in the atmosphere of the game
New perks, do not break the overall balance of the game
Expansion of the maximum level to 99
New companions, each of which, according to his own way, unique
Lots of new enemies and increase their numbers
Custom rebalance
Interesting ********, houses and cities
New Radio
Visual improvement

What's missing in the assembly:
"Fresh and smelling of paint" weapons
Bright and "cartoon" that do not fit into the atmosphere textures
Tons of unnecessary waste in the form of low-grade armor, weapons, and homes for HS
Green grass (O.o) and trees on barren
Construction of buildings and mods aka SIMS
Effects and bonuses, breaking the overall balance of the game
Untranslated plugins
Lots of bugs

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • super-siostry.pev.pl
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