
Pitbull "Pearly Gates"

Śpiąca Królewna.
Pitbull "Pearly Gates"


Baby Your All That I Want
(i dont believe in religion i believe in god and baby you my heaven)
Baby Your All That I Want,
when you lying here in my arms
Im Finding it hard to believe were in heaven
(Shes my lady, my baby, my women)

Shes hot as hell yeah,
But shes my heaven
She is my eve,
Im her apple for example
We got that thing for passion,
We got that hot lust
We got that one in a million love,
All of the above
let them talk they envy,
I love them text's you send me
with a pic attached
Your girlfriend she friendly
You like a quarterback your going down in the sack
our love is never ending thats why they hate like that

Baby Your All That I Want
When Your lying here in my arms
Im finding it hard to believe, were in heaven
And Loving is all that i need
and it found it there in your heart
it isnt too hard to see
were in heaven
(shes my lady my baby my women)

Shes there thick n thin
shes there rain or fall
Shes there whether i lose or win whether i rise or fall
shes with me wherever we live, ravisly on poverty
She loves me for me ?
Armando Perez not mr. 3
05 thats right,
this life can be decietful
In My career attracts,
all the wrong people
If you find a keeper
then you better keep her
I always put her first,
her love is heaven on earth

Baby your all that i want
when your lying here in my arms
im finding it hard to believe
were in heaven
And Loving is all i need
and it found it there in your heart
it isnt too hard to see
were in heaven

o-hooah-oo-ooo x3
Were in heaven
baby your all that i want
when your lying here in my arms
im finding it hard to believe
were in heaven
Loving is all i need
and it found it there in your heart
it isnt too hard to see were in heaven

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