
Scilab 5.2.2

Śpiąca Królewna.

Scilab 5.2.2 | 94.79 MB

Scilab, an interactive platform for numerical computation, which is a powerful computing environment for engineering and scientific applications. Scilab includes a wide range of fields: aerospace, automotive, energy, defense, finance, chemistry, biology, medicine ...

Propagation mode Scilab is particularly well suited for education, where students can obtain a free copy or as a tool for scientific and technical cooperation without any restrictions. Availability of source code is also of great interest for scientific research or for strategic applications.

Scilab includes hundreds of mathematical functions, and have the opportunity to add new, written in different languages (C, C + +, Fortran ...). Also there are a variety of data structures (lists, polynomials, rational functions, linear systems), the interpreter and high-level language.
Scilab is similar to the MATLAB programming language. The package comes with a tool that allows to convert documents into Matlab Scilab.

Scilab allows to work with elementary and high number of special functions (Bessel, Neumann, integral function), has a powerful means of working with matrices, polynomials (including symbolic), to numerical computations (eg numerical integration) and the solution of problems of linear algebra, optimization and simulation, powerful statistical functions, as well as a means to build and work with graphics.

For the numerical calculations used libraries Lapack, LINPACK, ODEPACK, Atlas and others.

The package also includes Scicos - a tool for editing block diagrams and simulation (analog simulink package MATLAB). There is a possibility of joint work Scilab program LabVIEW.

The program is available for various operating systems, including GNU / Linux and Microsoft Windows. Features Scilab can be extended by external programs and modules written in different programming languages. The program is open source, which allows a free commercial use and distribution of unmodified versions, and non-profit distributing modified versions, which must include the source code. For commercial distribution of modified versions must be harmonized with INRIA.

Unlike some commercial programs:
* Free
* Free (version 5.0)
* Small size (against more than dvuhgigabaytnogo package MATLAB) - Distribution Version 4 takes less than 20MB, version 5 or 4 times fatter - installer weighs about 75 MB, while the proposed version 5.2.2 weighs about 95 MB - but also features all the time increase.
* Ability to run from the console without using the graphical user interface including the version for Windows (on UNIX-version of the MatLab-but this possibility is present). This allows automated calculation, there is a packet mode.

* Hundreds of mathematical functions
* High level programming language
* 2-D and 3-D graphics
* Advanced data structures and user data types
* Xcos: hybrid dynamic systems modeling and simulation

2-D and 3-D visualization
* Lines
* Pie Chart
* Histograms
* Surface
* Animation
* Export charts in many formats: GIF, BMP, JPEG, SVG, PDF ...

Numerical calculation
* Linear Algebra
* Sparse matrix
* Polynomial and rational functions
* Modeling: differential and differential optimization
* Classic and robust control
* Differentiable and nondifferentiable optimization
* Simulation: ODE solution and control
* Scicos: a hybrid system modeling and simulation of dynamic systems
* Parallel operation

Data analysis
* Interpolation, approximation
* Signal Processing
* Statistics

* Graphs and Networks
* Interface to Fortran, Tcl / Tk, C, C + +, Java, LabVIEW
* Calling functions Scilab on C, C + +, Fortran and Java
* LabVIEW Gateway
* Accessible through ATOMS large number of modules
* Ability to run in the console without using the graphical interface. This allows automated calculation, there is a batch mode.

Scilab 5.2.2 (04/21/2010)
* Many improvements and bug fixes.

Note: For beginners can recommend the best to date detailed guide tutorial program Scilab site: http://www.teacher.dn-ua....lab/Scilab.html

OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7
Languages: English
Medician: Not Required

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  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • super-siostry.pev.pl
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