
Various Artists - "A Four Track Sampler"

Śpiąca Królewna.

[LRD016] Various Artists - "A Four Track Sampler"

Loco Records rozpoczęło nową edycję EP-ek, które będą ukazywać się na samplerach. Samplery te nazwane "A Four Track Sampler" składać się będą tylko z czterech utworów wyprodukowanych przez czterech rożnych wykonawców. Będą one wydawane w pewnych odstępach czasu na zmianę z innymi pozycjami wytwórni. W dniu dzisiejszym w sklepie Beatport
swoją premierę ma pierwsza część cyklu. W części tej znajdziemy nową kompozycję Cypryjczyka o pseudonimie Echofusion. Pojawił się on już wcześniej w barwach Loco z udaną EP-ką "Soulchaser EP", support'owaną przez takie postacie jak Miguel Migs, Ross Couch, Graham Sahara, Robert Owens, Dean Facer, Blacksoul, Mike Haddad, Lemon Popsicle, Richard Earnshaw (Spiritchaser). Yves Murasca czy choćby Eelke Kleijn. Nowy utwór nazywa się "Deep Waters". Jest to połączenie ciepłych pad'ów, głębokich brzmień oraz dynamicznego beat'u.

Rezydent mediolańskiego klubu "Kitsch" - Audio Instinct (Lorenzo Kitsch) dostarczył swój wielce udany utwór "Saxomatto", w którym charakterystycznie połączył sekcje rytmiczną bongosów, groove'ującego beat'u oraz "żywych" instrumentów.

Trzecim z kolei utworem jest niepublikowany wcześniej miks pochodzącego z pierwszej części serii EP-ek "Deep, Deeper, Deepest EP" utworu "Deep Beginning". Edycją nagrania sygnowanego nazwą duetu Karol XVII & MB Valence zajął się zwiastujący pieczę nad kanadyjską wytwórnią Ready Mix Records – Big Al.

Kompilacje zamyka deepowo minimalistyczny utwór "Green Mountains", którego autorem jest pochodzący z Włoch Tiziano Ruggieri.

Oto kilka opinii na temat EP'ki:

Dean Serafini (JJazproJect): This is an excellent EP showcasing material from Echofusion, Audio Instinct, Karol XVII & MB Valence and T Ruggieri. All four tracks are terrific examples of high quality deep house which deliver on all levels. However and wherever you like your house, if you like it deep, this should do it for you. In case you need further convincing the label has carried releases featuring Robert Owens and Kevin Yost recently so you should underestimate tem at your peril.

Miguel Garji /Ibiza Global Radio/: guaaauuuuu,,, is fantastic,,, l love this sound,, thanks

Kruse & Nürnberg (Dieb Audio, Slip N Slide, Save Room Recordings): We are into Big Al's Unreleased Edit of "Deep Beginning"! Full Support!

Fer Ferrari /DeepClass Records/: thanks for the promo. “Deep Beginning” I was played a lot of times, like so much, Congratulations for your work.

Latenta Project: yooo, thanks for this! great package. we will support Big Al's mix of Deep Beginning!! Thank youuu!!

Evren Ulusoy: Really digging this Ep from upcoming label Loco records....Truly deep sounds on this sampler for me...Echofusion's atmospheric deep track and Big AL's cool edit are my favourites here.

K-Bana /Guess Records, Duff Note/: Really like the Echofusion track it sounds great!! And the BIG AL edit are the pick of the bunch.

Royce Haven /Witty Tunes/: I'm loving "Deep Water" It has a nice and sexy deep vibe.

Shur-I-Kan: pretty nice guys

The Messenger /Soul Industries/Night Drive Music/Plastic City/: Another great release from Loco Redcords!Nice and groovy all around!Our favorites are Deep Beginings(Big Al`s edit) and Deep Waters!Will play those 2! Full support!Thanx for sending:)

Klaus Spitzner /Peppermint Jam, ProgCity, ProgCity Deep/: my favorite tracks.. i really like : deep beginning & deep waters.. i play it in my next radio show...

Davidson Ospina: Interesting EP! different kind of elements in this one...good!

Darin Epsilon /Perspectives, Perfecto, Lost Angeles/: Echofusion produced one of the best deep progressive tunes I've heard in a long time. Absolutely love this! Will have for August chart consideration. Also liked BiG AL's Unreleased Edit of Deep Beginning.

Richard Earnshaw /Duffnote | One51 | Guess | Spiritchaser | Sole Unity/: Karol XVII & MB Valence - Deep Beginning (BiG AL's Unreleased Edit) is my choice pick.... lovely addition to the Spiritchaser playlists.

Andre Kronert (Neurotron) /Night Drive Music, Ostwind, Session deluxe, 616 Detroit/: Great summer release! Love it. Deep Waters and Big Al´s mix are for me. Will support and chart them for sure.

Pablodj (Logicalgroove): congratulations for your realease always beautiful.

Da Funk /Acryl Music/: lovely release again here with all tracks very playable wich i will do! Really like the BiG AL edit here, great stuff! will definitely play.

Edwin & Fedry: My favorite is Deep waters great warming up groove and BiG AL’s edit of deep beginning is fantastic as well.

Bamo (Spiritchaser): Thanks for the sampler, only thing on it that's not for me is "Saxomatto". Really like "Deep Waters" and Big Al's mix of your own "Deep Beginning".

Raxon /360, audio tonic, Dubai/: Very Sweet Deep work from Big AL, personal fav. big support.

Mr Cenzo (Midi Drop Music): The picks for me out of these remixes are Big Al's Mix & Deep Waters... full support.....

Alex V. /Sophisticate Recordings/: I have to say that generally is a very good release, lots of different taste to choose from. I am crazy for Echofusion - Deep Waters for me the best track!! And one of the deepest at The moment..love it love it!! BiG AL mix is really cool too! Lovely techy groove..well done. Full support to LOCO RECORDS and BiG AL.

Feodor AllRight & Elena Mechta /AMDJS Radio Show/: Thanks a lot for the promo. All the tracks are dope tracks on the board. Full play and chart support coming from us.

Nacho Marco /Loudeast/: Karol XVII & MB valence - Deep Beginning (Big Al's Edit) Supported (LOUDEAST FM 21/07/09)

Robert Owens: thx loco, great vibes

Bogdan Taran /Capital FM, Kurzemes Radio, Jekabpils Radio 1, Progressive FM (Latvia), DFM (Estonia), Radius FM (Belarus), Megapolis FM (Moldova), Hot FM (Spain), SSradioUK.com, BragaRadioDJ.net (Portugal), ZipFm.lt (Lithuania)/: Echofusions track is one of the best and grooviest examples of deep house music I heard in ages, I love this track very much. Big Al’s mix of Deep Beginning bringing back one of Karol & MB’s coolest records. In suppport!

Jevne Miller /Onethirty Recordings/: Hey guys thanks for the release I am in full support of Deep waters and green MTS. thanks a ton!

Mafia Mike: Deep beginning rmx is the one, for my summer beach sets... and echofusion... :)

DJ Mannix: Coolio, love as I do your Robert Owens collab!

Kirill Slider: Hello guys! Thanks to you for a new promo! I like Echofusion and Big Al remix as well! Very quality deep house!

Danilo D'Andrea: you're always in time....deep water & deep beginning for please! Thanks

Mike Haddad /Witty Tunes/: Deep Waters is such a smooth track. Perfect for the very early part of the night or for a straight chiller set. Will drop it tomorrow. Thanks!

Blacksoul: Deep Beginning is the one for me

Graham Sahara /Seamless/: Deep waters is a nice deep and atmospheric track which is good for early doors. Saxomatto, is a cool track, nice and tribally and driving. This is I willdefo play out Deep beginning, is a good re edit. I like this one too, I will be playing. Green Mountain is again good and perfect for the danceloor. I will be playing this too.
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