

Śpiąca Królewna.

What's, Why's, When's, Where's and Hows'.

When Will WOGL CA EU draft take place?

The WOGL draft is on every Saturdays @ 6:00 PM GMT/7:00 PM GMT.

Where will it take place?

The WOGL draft will taken place at WOGL's Ventrilo Server.

What exactly is the WOGL Draft?

The WOGL Draft is a weekly event run by WOGL staff for WOGL registered players.

Why should I participate in WOGL Draft?

WOGL Draft is a great place to meet new players, explore new tactics, and show the community what you're made of. Whether you're an alphabot or a seasoned veteran, WOGL draft's will surely keep your skills sharp and your T-hawk sharper (Disclaimer: The T-hawk is not a WOGL legal weapon).

How do I participate in WOGL Draft

To participate in WOGL Draft you must meet the following requirements:

-Registered at WOGL.org
-Are not on the WOGL Banlist.
-Are open for Teamview's or running the Anticheat System at ANYTIME.
-Are in WOGL.org Ventrilo no later than 6:00 PM GMT/7:00 PM CET.

After that you remain seated in the Draft Lobby until teams are picked. We'll go more into depth about team picking a bit later.

Rules, Regulations, and Consequences.

WOGL Draft Staff will work diligently to investigate any and all cases of "foul play". WOGL Draft "foul play" includes:

Suspendedable offenses:
Not abiding by WOGL Gear Rules.
Sneaking in under an alias in attempts to stack a team.
Abusing in game mechanics which are considered illegal by WOGL rules.
Deliberate team killing.

Bannable offenses:
The use of third party cheat services to improve gameplay.
Denying a Teamview and/or use of Anticheat (Bannable at admins discretion)
Using an alias to play when one is on the ban list.

Please note that the offenses will be heavily enforced by WOGL Draft Staff. If a player is found guilty of a banable and/or suspendable offense his/her entire team will also recieve a DQ. Do not ruin it for your team.

In terms of team stacking only two members of one clan may be on one draft team. No excuses under any circumstances. You know better than us who's alias is who. If you know something say something. You can find WOGL Draft Staff in the Ventrilo.

Okay, so its great that we have a Draft. But how exactly is this going to work?

-Every Saturday Night @ 6:00 PM GMT we will gather in the WOGL Ventrilo.
-Map would be the WOGL Map of the week.
-Players will adjust their comments in an IGN: | Captain/blank format making it easy to see who would like to be a captain or not (Ex: IGN: -iNflux | Captain or IGN: -iNflux).
-Getting captains sorted out in the first 10-15 minutes will be crucial to keeping the Draft on schedule. As soon as the last captain is picked we will immediately LOCK the draft lobby and redirect all new Ventrilo traffic to a "Holding Pen" or "Secondary Ringers" Channel. The players came late to the draft are ineligible to play unless all of the "Primary Ringers" (players who have not played yet, BUT were on time) are expended. Bottom line: If you would like to play then make SURE you are in WOGL Ventrilo before 6:10 PM GMT. It is suggested that you join Ventrilo at atleast 5:45 PM GMT.
-Players with "Captain" in their comment will be moved into a "Captain Room". They will be assigned a number via a Sequence Generator to decide the pick order for each round.
-The number of teams will depend on the number of players. We will cap the number of teams at 16. However, if we have an under/overabundance of people we can allow for less/more teams. Although, these drafts tend to take a bit longer when it comes down to the final 3 teams. To make it fair we will make two teams play while the other team sits. The winner of that first game gets a bye and the loser plays the team that is sitting. The winner of that second game gets a bye, and the loser plays the first team. We continue this cycle until there is one team that has lost TWICE. They are named the third place team, remaining teams disregard their loses and play one final game to determine first and second place. This is explained in depth below*
-A sequence generator will then be run again to determine the order of matches.

More information?

Wow, this is great. I can't wait to play. What if I need some more help the night of the draft?

If you need any type of help feel free to move into the "Help Channel". There will be a WOGL Draft Admin in there all night that will be able to answer all of your questions. As well as the WOGL.org Help Desk and Xfire.

This concludes the WOGL Draft FAQ. Hope to see everyone on Saturday!

* Explanation of remaining three teams if you were unable to understand what I meant above.

Team A, B, and C are left standing.
Team A plays team C in a random assignment.
Team B gets a bye.
Team A wins.
Team A is now 1-0.
Team C is now 0-1.
Team C plays team B
Team A gets a bye.
Team C wins.
Team C is now 1-1.
Team B is now 0-1.
Team B plays team A.
Team C gets a bye.
Team A wins.
Team A is now 2-0.
Team B is now 0-2.
Team B is eliminated.
Team A and C move onto the finals and play one game.
Team C wins.
Team C comes in first place.
Team A comes in second place.
Team B comes in third place.

Useful links:
[WOGL TV Website]www.wogl.tv
[WOGL Website]www.wogl.org
[WOGL CA EU Forum]www.wogl.org/forums/ca-eu-combat-arms-european-union/
[WOGL CA EU 5v5 Snd League Page]www.wogl.org/league/index.php
[WOGL League Sign Up Tutorial]www.wogl.org/forums/ca-eu-general-discussion/4441-tutorial-season-1-eu-signups.html

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