
[zapowiedzi] Karol XVII & MB Valence - "Minor Chord

Śpiąca Królewna.

[LRD023]Karol XVII & MB Valence - "Minor Chords 2 EP"

W dniu dzisiejszym swoją premierę ma druga część EPki "Minor Chords EP" spod szyldu duetu Karol XVII & MB Valence. Podobnie jak poprzednio, znaleźć tu można 3 różne utwory: "Organized Notes", w którym wspaniałe solo na organach Hammonda wykonał utalentowany pianista Piotr Świętoniowski, jak również "Common Space" oraz "Snatches". EPka dostępna jest w sklepie Beatport

Poniżej opinie na temat produkcji:

CRAIG STEWART /RAUNCHY RHYTHMS RADIO/: Sensational release, dance floor devastation, Organized Notes is spectacular and Piotr Swietoniowskis hammond organ is breathtaking. For me, Karol & MB are the very best deep house producers in the world right now – FULL SUPPORT!!!!

SCOPE (RIC MCCLELLAND): thanks.. common space & snatches are nice! :)

FABIEN KAMB: Top class mates - will spin and chart "Common Space" - and yet all of the tracks are good.

FLORIAN KRUSE: again - solid deep house tracks!!! love all 3 cuts here!

MIGUEL GARJI /IBIZA GLOBAL RADIO/: Fantastic Work Like Always. Thanks

K-BANA /GUESS RECORDS, DUFFNOTE RECORDS/: Really like the vibe of the ep you sent me, its just my thing. Deep Jacking and got abit of soul.. My pick of the bunch is: Karol XVII & MB Valence - Organized Notes

MATTEO ESSE (ANALOG PEOPLE IN A DIGITAL WORLD): Thanks for the promo, this is another well produced and playable EP of quality deep house from you

KEV OBRIEN /STRANJJUR NYC, TOLERANT RECORDINGS, PROTON RADIO, REVIEWS FOR: 365MAG, DATA-TRANSMISSION.CO.UK, PULSERADIO,NET/: Very nice EP once again! Common Space and Snatch are the ones for me --- nice and deep, funky and groovy... just the way I like it! Full support.

JEVNE MILLER /ONETHIRTY RECORDINGS/: SOLID Release!!!! Love it Will play "Organized Notes" tonight it's gonna Bang

OSCAR P /OPEN BAR MUSIC/: Excellent as always...

FEODOR ALLRIGHT & ELENA MECHTA /AMDJS RADIO SHOW/: "Snatches" is great! These vocal samples are dope. Also want to mention great base melody. Sweet! Definitely will give it an air time!

MIKE KIRALY: As always, the EP is class. Will start playing Common Space and Snatches right away :)


IGOR MARIJUAN /IBIZA SONICA RADIO/: I´m a proffessed fan of Karol & MB. Love that sound. Love all ep. So cool music. Full support on Ibiza Sonica radio,

SHUR-I-KAN: another very strong release guys, well done

SOUL MINORITY: Happy 2010, and thanks for this great promo. Quality stuff here, as usual !!! I love all three tracks, will play and support ...

SEVA K: Great release mates! Thanks

SEBASTIAN DAVIDSON: Full support from the Davidson camp!

GRAHAM SAHARA /SEAMLESS/: Excellent guys. I will be dropping these this week for sure. I like the darkness of common space, good for opening up in pacha. I like the vocal in snatches and will play for sure. Organized notes is a cool funky track too. I shall be playing each one of these

MRCENZO /MIDI DROP MUSIC/: Cheers for the new ones here.... all tracks are wicked as always!!!!!

DAVIDSON OSPINA /OSPINA DIGITAL/: SICK !!! love this guys... “Organized Notes” Full support

BOBI /CLUBFM/: Again a big shot!!!! Simply gorgeous - I love the whole package...another winner from the loco records,I will play in my radio show. Thanks!!!

MIKE HADDAD /WITTY TUNES/: Fire! This whole EP is very edgy, unique, and forward thinking! Love all 3 of them!!!

DARIN EPSILON: the tracks wouldn't really fit in my sets this time around, but Organized Notes is very very good. Very impressive stuff, especially the jazz-inspired improvization in the middle.

MICRO: Very good begining of the year! For me 1st track - organ tune, and 3rd - the groove is everywhere! GOD JOB GUYS! All the best in 2010! thx and greets!

SVEN JACOBSEN: Happy new Year Slawek, and again an awesome EP. I love it and i´ll play it

BOGDAN TARAN /Capital FM, Kurzemes Radio, Jekabpils Radio 1, Progressive FM (Latvia), DFM (Estonia), Radius FM (Belarus), DJ FM (Ukraine), Megapolis FM (Moldova), Hot FM (Spain), SSradioUK.com, BragaRadioDJ.net (Portugal), ZipFm.lt (Lithuania)/: Karol XVII & MB Valence now sounds like a masters of deep and underground house music. Organized Notes sounds like a proper track with fantastic jazz solo, while Common Spaces and Snatches has that underground vibe, that gives you fly away on dancefloor. In support.


BAMO (SPIRITCHASER): Thanks for the promo, nicely produced ep as always with lots of deep house funk going on....... I like!!

ROSS COUCH /BODY RHYTHM/: Loco kick off the New Year with more high quality house music, and both 'Organized Notes' and 'Snatches' hit the spot for me.

JOAN RIBAS: superb ep, love it!! will be on my radio show and my dj set next weekend. Organized Notes is my fav.

FER FERRARI /DEEP CLASS RECORDS/: Good release. My fav is “Snatches”. I will test out..

DA FUNK: fantastic release again! especially common space is ace! support!

EZZO: ep indeed amazing, as usual, what comes from your needle is masterful

SIN PLOMO: great E.P my favorite track is "Organized Notes"

SCIBI: "Organized Notes" cudo, genialne zagrywki na hammondzie :)

GROOVE COCKTAIL: Thanks for the promo! Organized Notes its amazing track!! full support!! 9/10

BRUNO FROM IBIZA: Thanks for the promo, i really diggin KAROL XVII productions, my fav. is ORGANIZED NOTES, sounds like KEVIN YOST Sure to be charted next month.

DEAN FACER /OURHOUSE MAGAZINE/: The second part of the "Minor Chords" EP and these two, Karol XVII & MB Valance carry in on mighty fine form this time enrolling the very talented Piotr Swietoniowski for a beautiful solo on the Hammond organ for the track "Organised Notes", the EP carries with two very well produced soild house grooves, namely "Common Space" & "Snatches" which are both delightful deep house grooves with very effective use of the "minor chords".....

ROBERT OWENS: very nice vibes, thank you...

VALENTÍN HUEDO /IBIZA SONICA/: Good one, will play it!
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